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가는타래사초 국가표준식물목록 국가생물종목록

학명Carex molestiformis Reznicek & Rothrock
분포Southern and Central United States (Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia) and Korea (Pyeongchang)
  • Cespitose in small clumps, Rhizomes short and woody. mature clumps covering grounds with creeping rhizomes. Culms 25?120 cm, trigonous, erect, smooth except scabrous just below inflorescence; Basal sheaths bladeless, medium to dark brown, disintegrating into short, dark brown fibers. Leaves 3?5, on lower 1/5?2/5 of the culm; blades 2.5?32 cm long, 1.7?3.8 mm wide, plicate, glabrous or papillose adaxially, the margins and midrib antrorsely scabrous distally; leaf sheaths 1?10 cm long, tightly enveloping culms, smooth, yellow-green, the intervenal areas ± white with scattered septa; the inner band of sheaths glabrous, its apex concave or truncate and reaching from the base of the blade to 1.5 mm above, light brown to whitish. Inflorescences 1.2?2.7(?3.4) cm long, apex of culms erect or rarely angled above the lowest spike, spikes overlapping or congested, the lowest spike 1.5?6(?9) mm, spikes sessile, single at each node. Bracts inconspicuous, scalelike or setaceous, sheathless, 0.4?1.5 cm long, upper bracts reduced. Spikes 2?4(?5), gynaecandrous, globose to ovoid with rounded or tapered bases, 7?12 mm long, pistillate portion 6?10 mm long, 5?10 mm wide, (10?)15?40 flowered, staminate portion 1?5(?9.5) mm long, 1.2?2.5 mm wide, 6?14 flowered. Scales pale brown or yellow-green center and hyaline margins, pistillate scales usually reaching the base or sometimes the middle of the beak, 2.9?4 mm long, 1.1?1.6 mm wide, lanceovate, apex obtuse or acute, 1-nerved. staminate scales 2.6?5 mm long, 1.3?1.8 mm wide, ovate, apex obtuse or rarely acute, 1-nerved; Perigynia 4?5.4(?6.1) mm long, (2.4?)2.6?3.4 mm wide, (1.3?)1.5?1.9 times as long as wide, appressed-ascending, plano-convex with broadly ovate, broadly elliptic, or orbicular body, 2.7?3.5 mm long, (0.9?)1?1.6 times as long as wide and 1.8?2.7 times as long as beak, widest 1.2?2 mm above base, broadly thin-winged, wing 0.3?0.8 mm wide, finely serrulate-margined except near base, gradually and symmetrically contracted into beak, deep green to brownish when overmatured, with paler margins, smooth, leathery, sessile, sharply (3?)4?7-nerved adaxially over achene, 6?9- nerved abaxially over achene and 1?2-nerved in the winged margin; beaks 1.1?1.9 mm long, strongly flattened and serrulate-margined to apex, the apex bidentate with scabrous-margined teeth 0.1?0.5 mm long, distance from summit of achene to tip of beak 1.7?2.6(?2.9) mm long. Achenes 1.6?2 mm long, 1.4?1.8 mm wide, 1?1.3 times as long as wide, biconvex, broadly oval to orbicular, pale brown to brown, short-stipitate at base, apiculum 0.1?0.45 mm long; style straight; stigmas 2, Anthers 3, (1.4?)1.6?2.6 mm long.
근연종*A key of Carex molestiformis and related taxa
1. Staminate at upper portion, bracts leaf-shaped. ··············· ·················································· C. neurocarpa 괭이사초

1. Staminate at lower portion. bracts inconspicuous, scalelike, or setaceous.

2. Spikes more than 10 in each inflorescence, pistillate scale ovate ······························· C. maackii 타래사초

2. Spikes less than 10 in each inflorescence, pistillate scale lanceolate

3. Less than 5 veins on perigynium adaxially, perigynium width 1.2?2 mm. ···················· C. scoparia 한석사초

3. 6?9 veins on perigynium adaxially perigynium width 2.6?3.4 mm. ······· C. molestiformis 가는타래사초

검색된 식물 8

식물이름 학명
작은비사초 Carex brevior   사초과   사초속  
열대방동사니 Cyperus eragrostis   사초과   방동사니속  
미국타래사초 Carex muehlenbergii Willd. var. enervis Boott   사초과   사초속  
미국산사초 Carex hirsutella   사초과   사초속  
대저사초 Carex molesta Mack.   사초과   사초속  
기름골 Cyperus esculentus   사초과   방동사니속  
가는타래사초 Carex molestiformis Reznicek & Rothrock   사초과   사초속  
한석사초 Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. var. scoparia   사초과   사초속  

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